
Postpartum Transition

Do kids kill your sex life?

Well, they certainly change it. There is now a tiny bundle of needs that seems to absorb every last ounce of parental energy. It’s hard to maintain a vibrant sex life when you’re running on empty.

New mothers may experience:

  • massive hormonal changes as the body adjusts to the birth.

  • the need to adjust to a post-baby body.

  • a disconnect between a body being used to grow/birth/feed a baby vs. a body being used for sexual pleasure.

  • challenges prioritizing a sexual relationship over the needs of the baby and herself.

New fathers may experience:

  • a feeling of separation as mother and baby bond.

  • an adjustment to his partner’s body after the baby is born.

  • challenges integrating the mother-whore dichotomy that is so prevalent in our society.

  • fatigue and pressure to ‘man up’ as a father.

Instead of another baby blanket or stuffed animal, consider getting the new parents in your life a coaching session to ensure they stay intimate and connected as they transition into parenthood!

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation today!